Anja Bremm


Anja Bremm

PI of Research Project 5:
“Ubiquitination in regulation of lysosome functions”



Dr. rer. nat. Anja Bremm

Institute of Biochemistry II
Gustav Emden-Zentrum der Biochemie
Goethe University Frankfurt – Medical Faculty
Theodor-Stern-Kai 7 / Building 75
60590 Frankfurt am Main

phone: +49 (0) 69 6301-5450
fax: +49 (0) 69 6301 5287
website Bremm Lab




Oxygen-dependent asparagine hydroxylation of the ubiquitin-associated (UBA) domain in Cezanne regulates ubiquitin binding. Mader J, Huber J, Bonn F, Dötsch V, Rogov VV, Bremm A (2020) J Biol Chem 295:2160-74.

Circular synthesized CRISPR/Cas gRNAs for functional interrogations in the coding and noncoding genome. Wegner M, Diehl V, Bittl V, de Bruyn R, Wiechmann S, Matthess Y, Hebel M, Hayes MG, Schaubeck S, Benner C, Heinz S, Bremm A, Dikic I, Ernst A, Kaulich M (2019) Elife 8:e42549.

Site-specific ubiquitylation and SUMOylation using genetic code expansion and sortase-mediated transpeptidation. Fottner M, Brunner AD, Bittl V, Horn-Ghetko D, Jussupow A, Kaila VRI, Bremm A, Lang K (2019)  Nat Chem Biol 15:276-84.

Ubiquitin chain diversity at a glance. Akutsu M, Dikic I, Bremm A (2016) J Cell Sci 129:875-80.

Cezanne regulates E2F1-dependent HIF2α expression. Moniz S, Bandarra D, Biddlestone J, Campbell KJ, Komander D, Bremm A, Rocha S (2015) J Cell Sci 128:3082-93.

Cezanne (OTUD7B) regulates HIF-1α homeostasis in a proteasome-independent manner. Bremm A, Moniz S, Mader J, Rocha S, Komander D (2014) EMBO Rep 15:1268-77.

DUBs counteract parkin for efficient mitophagy. Dikic I, Bremm A (2014) EMBO J 33:2442-3.

Emerging roles for Lys11-linked polyubiquitin in cellular regulation. Bremm A, Komander D (2012) Trends Biochem Sci 36:355-63.

Lys11-linked ubiquitin chains adopt compact conformations and are preferentially hydrolyzed by the deubiquitinase Cezanne. Bremm A, Freund SM, Komander D (2010) Nat Struct Mol Biol 17:939-47.

Two-sided ubiquitin binding explains specificity of the TAB2 NZF domain. Kulathu Y, Akutsu M*, Bremm A*, Hofmann K, Komander D (2009) Nat Struct Mol Biol 16:1328-30. (*equal contribution)