Markus Damme


Markus Damme

PI of Research Project 2:
“Regulation of TMEM55A/B-dependent positioning of lysosomes”



PD Dr. Markus Damme

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Biochemisches Institut
Olshausenstr. 40
D-24098 Kiel

phone: 49 (0) 431 880 2218
fax: +49 (0) 431 880 2238
website Damme Group






The FTLD risk factor TMEM106B regulates the transport of lysosomes at the axon initial segment of motoneurons. Lüningschrör P, Werner G, Stroobants S, Kakuta S, Dombert B, Sinske D, Wanner R, Lüllmann-Rauch R, D’Hooge R, Uchiyama Y, Sendtner M, Haass C, Saftig P, Knöll B, Capell A, Damme M (2020) Cell Rep 30:3506-19.e6.

The lysosomal transporter MFSD1 is essential for liver homeostasis and critically depends on its accessory subunit GLMP. Massa López D, Thelen M, Stahl F, Thiel C, Linhorst A, Sylvester M, Hermanns-Borgmeyer I, Lüllmann-Rauch R, Eskild W, Saftig P, Damme M (2019) Elife 8. pii:e50025.

PLD3 and PLD4 are single-stranded acid exonucleases that regulate endosomal nucleic-acid sensing. Gavin AL, Huang D, Huber C, Mårtensson A, Tardif V, Skog PD, Blane TR, Thinnes TC, Osborn K, Chong HS, Kargaran F, Kimm P, Zeitjian A, Sielski RL, Briggs M, Schulz SR, Zarpellon A, Cravatt B, Pang ES, Teijaro J, de la Torre JC, O’Keeffe M, Hochrein H, Damme M, Teyton L, Lawson BR, Nemazee D (2018) Nat Immunol 19:942-53.

Quantitative proteome analysis of mouse liver lysosomes provides evidence for mannose 6-phosphate-independent targeting mechanisms of acid hydrolases in mucolipidosis II. Markmann S*, Krambeck S*, Hughes CJ, Mirzaian M, Aerts JM, Saftig P, Schweizer M, Vissers JC, Braulke T, Damme M (2017) Mol Cell Proteomics 16:438-50.

Ataxia is the major neuropathological finding in Arylsulfatase G deficient mice: Similarities and dissimilarities to Sanfilippo disease (Mucopolysaccharidosis type III). Kowalewski B, Heimann P, Ortkras T, Lüllmann-Rauch R, Sawada T, Walkley SU, Dierks T, Damme M (2015) Hum Mol Genet 24:1856-68.

Autophagy in neuronal cells: general principles and physiological and pathological functions. Damme M, Suntio T, Saftig P, Eskelinen EL (2014) Acta Neuropathol 129:337-62.

Molecular Characterization of Arylsulfatase G: Expression, Processing, Glycosylation, Transport, and Activity. Kowalewski B, Lübke T, Kollmann K, Braulke T, Reinheckel T, Dierks T, Damme M (2014) J Biol Chem 289:27992-8005.

Virus entry. Lassa virus entry requires a trigger-induced receptor switch. Jae LT, Raaben M, Herbert AS, Kuehne AI, Wirchnianski AS, Soh TK, Stubbs SH, Janssen H, Damme M, Saftig P, Whelan SP, Dye JM, Brummelkamp TR (2014) Science 344:1506-10.

Lysosomal dysfunction causes neurodegeneration in mucolipidosis II ‘knock-in’ mice. Kollmann K*, Damme M*, Markmann S, Morelle W, Schweizer M, Hermans-Borgmeyer I, Röchert AK, Pohl S, Lübke T, Michalski JC, Käkelä R, Walkley SU, Braulke T (2012) Brain 135:2661-75. (*equal contribution)

Arylsulfatase G inactivation causes loss of heparan sulfate 3-O-sulfatase activity and mucopolysaccharidosis in mice. Kowalewski B, Lamanna WC*, Lawrence R*, Damme M*, Stroobants S, Padva M, Kalus I, Frese MA, Lübke T, Lüllmann-Rauch R, D’Hooge R, Esko JD, Dierks T (2012) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109:10310-5. (*equal contribution)