1 Postdoctoral Position
University of Kiel
Prof. Paul Saftig
The Biochemical Institute as part of the Medical Faculty at the Christian-Albrechts- University Kiel (Germany) has openings for a
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
The position is available as of 01.01.2019 for a period of 3 years. The position gives the opportunity to “Habilitation” or additional scientific qualification and the initiative to this is expected. The salary for the position is based on the German federal public service scale (E 14 TV-L) . The regular weekly working hours are those of a full-time employee (38,7 hours). Part-time employment is principally possible.
A contribution to teaching is expected (4 LVS).
The position with a possibility for prolongation are available to study the role of lysosomal membrane proteins, lysosome positioning, targeting of hydrolases, autophagic pathways, lysosomal transport and lysosomal signaling. Using established and to-be-generated mouse models we focus on the role of lysosomes in the central nervous system and try to understand their contribution in disorders leading to cellular dysfunction and cell death. The projects involve experimental mouse work, cell-based assays, biochemical and molecular biology analyses.
Selection of our recent reviews related to our work on lysosomes:Schwake et al. (2013) Traffic 14(7):739-48.; Schröder BA, et al. (2010) Proteomics 10(22):4053-76; Damme M, et al. (2015) Acta Neuropathol 129(3):337-62; Saftig P. and Klumperman J. (2009) Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 10(9):623-35
Candidates must hold a University degree equivalent to a European University PhD in natural sciences or medical science. We seek enthusiastic, highly motivated and independently working people to join our international research group. The projects involve the analysis of genetic mouse models, cell-based assays, microscopy, molecular biology and histology techniques. Previous experience in these methodologies, good publications in international journals and a background in molecular biology, cell biology, biochemistry and immunology is a prerequisite. German and English language skills are requested.
The Biochemical Institute at the University Kiel (CAU) is an interdisciplinary research institution with international flair. The University strongly encourages women with appropriate qualifications to apply for the position. Women with equivalent qualifications, competence and expertise will be given preference. The University also supports the employment of disabled persons. Persons with disabilities will, with appropriate qualification and aptitudes, be employed preferentially. We also support the application of people with a foreign background.
Applicants are requested to send a statement of interest, a full CV incl. certificates as names and addresses of at least two references in a single pdf file (deadline December 15th, 2018) to:
Prof. Dr. Paul Saftig
Biochemisches Institut
CAU Kiel
Olshausenstr. 40
D-24098 Kiel
phone: ++49-(0)431-8802216
fax: ++49-(0)431-8802238